Sunday, November 11, 2012

Living For Today!

So it's been a while since I've made a post, at least a month ago when I was leaving Italy. In the past 4 weeks so much has happened in my life...really amazing things. I don't know where to begin but the core of it all is that I've started to learn how to live in the now. Several years ago I read a book called the "A New Earth" and, "The Power of Now" written by Eckhart Tolle. They were both quote profound and helped me become more aware of my being, bringing me to a new state of consciousness and awareness. Great books that I highly recommend for anyone on a journey to become more connected with self and bring a new understanding of your life's purpose. 

Though I thought I had become this new evolved human being, I did, but not fully, and just realized that only a few weeks ago. Why is that? What I came to realize is that there was no way for to really awaken to my life purpose if I was still being held back by my past. I was living my life filled with anger, regret, guilt, shame, pain, bitterness, self-loathe, and all because of the events of my past. I thought I had dealt with most of these painful memories but actually I just buried them deep, so deep that I couldn't even feel them anymore. Yet without me even being aware of it, my past was affecting me. 

Through searching deep within I was able to come face to face with these memories, and in the process came to realize that I wasn't a product of my past, nor was it something I could control. That I didn't have to let my past shape how I think or view or let it control my life anymore. That realization though simple was powerful, as it's allowed me to understand what it truly means to live in the present. 

When I started this blog I wanted it to be a platform in which I would share the things I love and things I don't love so much, which I still plan to do. But what I really want to do is to be able to inspire, motivate and touch other's through my sharing. That hopefully my lessons and life experiences can start a movement. A movement of healing and greatness amongst all those that I come in contact with. 

Today I leave you with these key words, "Live for today, let's not worry about tomorrow or yesterday...let's focus on right now, when you do, you will sense a feeling of stillness and calmness and you will realize how amazing life really is." 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing quote so inspirational:) I need to reread both of those books, might need to borrow. Great post!
